Tea Tree Oil Use


Tea Tree Oil can be Used for both skin care recipes and home remedies

 This oil comes from the Australian and has been used by the Aborigines long before it was used by the rest of the world. Even though this oil is used in many recipes for skin and hair it is great on its own.

One of the benefits of tea tree oil that we use in our house is for an antifungal remedy. For a fingernail infection we will keep a bottle in our pockit and apply it through out the day. Any time a toenail becomes infected or we get Athlete's foot we will apply this oil twice a day.

Another use for this  oil in our home is for acne. Even though you want to keep your skin clean you do not want to over scrub the skin. Keeping the skin clean will help with infection and tea tree oil is a great antiseptic. We will put it on after washing the skin and before putting on any other acne product.

The tea tree oil will make your skin feel sooth and keep it from over drying. It opens up the clogged pores so that acne can heal faster. And with is antiseptic properties it will help prevent any infections making matters worse. In the end acne scarring will be reduced since tea tree oil is powerful on infection but very gentle on skin

For a sunburn not only using aloe vera you can ad tea tree oil to your lotion. Helping the skin to cool down, not itch and preventing the sunburned skin from peeling..

When the kids come home from school with head lice tea tree oil is known to be killer after only one use of tea tree oil shampoo or other tea tree oil based lotions and oils. In this case, it acts as an insecticide, smothering head louse and making it easier to remove eggs.

Tea tree oil use is so versatile, that it is a good idea to keep a bottle of tea tree oil handy at all times.

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