Leg Waxing

Preparing Skin for Leg Wax. Learn basic leg waxing procedures for removing unwanted body hair at home in this free online instructional video on waxing & hair removal.

Not only can you take the ouch out of leg waxing but the whole body with these great tips.

Body Waxing - How To Drastically Reduce The "Ouch!" Factor

By Mike Jones

Do you like the great feeling that comes from body waxing but shudder at the thought of what you have to go through to get it?

Body waxing is an economical, effective hair removal method which leaves the skin feeling wonderfully smooth.

But it comes at a price. Depending on your level of sensitivity there can be considerable discomfort or even pain.

Thankfully there are simple precautions you can take which can significantly reduce the "Ouch!" factor. Here they are:


1. Pain Killers

Take a pain killer 30-60 minutes before the waxing procedure. Look for tablets like Advil that contain Ibuprofen which controls mild pain and inflammation.

2. Deep Breathing

Do some deep breathing exercises just before your waxing session. Draw in breath deeply through the nose, hold for a few seconds, exhale slowly and fully through the mouth. This relaxes the body and it also has an effect on hair follicles so they are not so constricted, thus making hair extraction less painful.

3. Numbing Spray

Use a numbing spray a few minutes before waxing. These can numb the skin to a degree (not completely) so waxing doesn't sting. GiGi for example market an anesthetic numbing spray. (See resource box below)

4. Press Immediately

Press hard on the affected area IMMEDIATELY after the strip is pulled off. This is very important. Applying pressure with the cushion of the finger on small areas or the palm of the hand on larger areas can result in a dramatic reduction in pain. The key is doing this right after the hair is removed.

5. Ice

Rubbing an ice cube over the affected area can greatly reduce inflammation and swelling and sooth the protesting nerve endings.

Additional Precautions

Apart from these five main ways to reduce the discomfort associated with body waxing, keep these further precautions in mind:

Hard wax rather than soft wax is better for sensitive parts of the body like the pubic area.

Pregnant women or women approaching their period will generally have a higher level of sensitivity.

Individuals with coarse hair are likely to feel more pain and waxing may be accompanied by a little bleeding.

Anyone on medications such as Retin A, Accutane, Tetracycline or Glycolic Acid should avoid waxing altogether as skin may lift off with the hair causing acute pain.

Wait 6 or 7 days at least after a thorough skin exfoliation to avoid skin being lifted off with the waxing.

Do not wax over moles or other skin conditions.

Finally, using a hair inhibitor can slow down hair re-growth and cause the hair that does grow back to be softer and finer thus making subsequent body waxing sessions much less painful. See the resource box below for details.

In Summary

So, is body waxing worth it? Many will respond with a resounding YES. It not only makes you feel great, it is also very hygienic, especially in the genital area.

Using the simple guidelines above, you can now enjoy all the benefits of body waxing without the "Ouch!" factor. 

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